Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2025

Sound Sorcery by Sound Sorcery

Sound Sorcery
ṨƟỰŊĐ ṨƟƦČℨƦƳ phenomenal fibonacci flow free growin we glowin phi ratio encoded body temple dimensions abundant blissons entrained with cymatic perfection 432 hz dna reflected water cell vibration schumann resonatin wile I’m out sk8in and co-creatin these earthly heart beat breakin stillness always beatspeakin burnside street sweepin mataji wink but she neva blinkn sanatan dharma eternally holy orchestrated composite frequency frequently long lasting last laughin buddha blesson lesson learned tables turn aint so hard to earn golden motorcycle gang souring through the starseeds harmonic oscillator planting all our needs sonic masta buildin cutin stones with precision obelisk transmission higher heart vision #mpc #mpcx #mpcxretro #singingbowls #fingerdrumming

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