winter solstice gong journey 
as we embark on this soulful journey into Sacred Sound place your hand over your heart and just feel that pulse that rhythm that's your rhythm it's been with you since the very start of this journey of your life since the spark feel your song of your soul and give it some gratitude for this experience as a human being right now see if this feels good.. . the winter solstice is a powerful turning point it is one of the biggest shifts in the earths annual cycle for rising into a new vibration and a new earth during the solstice the energy body of mother earth blooms open to receive a download of new light Consciousness from the Divine source stepping into a time of sacred rebirth as this new light consciousness floods are collective humanity takes another step in awakening our unity and healing the structures that worked against that unity in the past so let us set an intention now in our inner worlds of what we wish to let go of that was no longer serving our higher purpose and those aspects of ourselves that were getting in the way of our spiritual growth and let us lay down our armor so we can really clear and move into this new way of being my intention here is to be a pure and open channel of Divine loving healing energy holding space for your healing and transformation and may you receive the medicine in the way needed at this very moment tune in with me and get ready to receive ✨
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