autumn equinox sacred sound ceremony
we are now moving through a great harmonization to achieve a higher level of harmony with ourselves each other & mother earth we are alive during one of the most important evolutionary shifts for the human race in thousands of years & this equinox is a very special moment in that evolutionary journey during this time of equal hours between the day & night the veil between the spiritual mental & physical dimensions is very thin equinoxes are like the striking of a tuning fork making the earth shift into a cycle of powerful endings & beginnings opening up a portal for us to retune to our union with divine source that return to source is a reset guiding us to reharmonize with both our soul's highest intentions for this lifetime & our highest divine good you are a powerful cocreator of your reality & now is your time to make your own miracles we're about to receive a powerful medicinal dose of divine union realized we are being guided to awaken to a higher perspective one in which we see that everything in creation is part of a greater harmonious tapestry we are spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience that is harmonized to a higher divine order that holds the entire universe in perfect synchronization mother earth is conscious loving & wise & is playing a very active role in humanities growth we call upon her & invite her love & powerful harmonizing energy in NOW equinoxes are always about turning the page to harmonize our lives & mother earth is one of our strongest helpers in doing so equinoxes are powerful harmonizers so whatever was out of balance in your life & relationships in the past is about to be powerfully called into balance now all will be revealed within the stillness of your heart you are the light of the world & you are also your own personal doorway to the divine realize & experience this NOW OM Shanti 🍁🍃✨
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