Sonntag, 1. Oktober 2023

corpus christi lightbody roc by corpus christi lightbody roc

corpus christi lightbody roc
empty bars and plenty of scars soul call sonar from the mighty ashtar command morning missile wizards of pause meditating with arcturian and pleiadian avatars lemurian light code talking activation written in the stars ska8n elev8n samarian ahimsa masters of the YOU VERSE she raw sea saw he haw blast off up and out and in awaken from the whirlwind of the mistaken forsaken foreskined knees to perfection and full connection of sovereign salutations and intrinsic manifestations the only way out is in and through your inner avenue dormant knowledge DNA always knew silent passage all the way through holy welcome mat format hallelujah! mode move ya silk road groove ya download sutras of the paramukta and offer up in a puja purified aura corpus Christi escaped the horror refuge light body fractal epiphany last shall finally be free ✨ when I die spread the ashes of my mpc with me in the dunes of Pacific city

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