Freitag, 15. April 2022

you are the light ✨🌟✨ by you are the light ✨🌟✨

you are the light ✨🌟✨
we’re in this time of big energies coming in and taking us through a huge ascension tunnel.. these energies are coming in to clear and shake up our systems to allow the release of the final things that need to go you are a fractal of Source.. you create you.. you create everything around you so be mindful of what you’re doing and saying the good news is we’re now coming into a time where the light is fast and the manifestation energy is higher so when we think of it, it comes through a lot faster.. very soon we’ll see that veil fall wrap yourself with Source light and keep your vibration as high as possible.. listen to your system..your system knows what you need you are the light ✨🌟✨ oh and this is a new beat 😁

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