Donnerstag, 31. März 2022

Ruffkidd - extrem hate in your face feat. Absztrakkt

Ruffkidd - extrem hate in your face feat. Absztrakkt
Album : Ruffkid - Terror Track Saga III Prädikat : Besonders Empfehlenswert
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Samstag, 26. März 2022

energetic body cleansing and shielding methods/tools by energetic body cleansing and shielding methods/tools

energetic body cleansing and shielding methods/tools
the energy body is like a mirror of the physical body that exists in the energetic realm.. whatever happens to our physical body (pain we feel, sensations we experience, illnesses that we have) is a direct reflection of our energy body these energy frequencies in the 3D reality manifest into forms, tangible senses, and experiences so even before illnesses and diseases manifest physically for us to feel and notice, it’s already happening on an energetic level until it this is how powerful our energetic bodies are and it’s important for us to cleanse and check in on it regularly imagination and visualization have a powerful effect in cleansing our energy body by amplifying the effect so set clear intentions when applying these cleansing and shielding methods: cleansing methods: 1: breathe -take a minute or two and close your eyes and be in silence and take slowly deep belly breaths once or twice a day. -also taking a conscious breath as often as you can remember to throughout the day. 2: water -hydrate -rivers, oceans, lakes, waterfalls, hotsprings, bath tub/shower are good ways to cleanse the energy body.. imagine the water being white light cleansing your body from head to toes.. rinse with cold water at the end 3: regular clothes change -consider the type of day you had before rewear them.. what kind of emotions did you experience today? -if you don’t have regular access to washing your clothes you can bathe them in the sun or moonlight 4: sunlight or moonlight bathing (especially full moon) 5: externalize lower vibration emotions -if you’re feeling lower vibrational emotions like anger fear or anxiety, external actions of releasing can be helpful: exercise, art, writing, ect.. be conscious of the expression and reflect on it mindfully 7: food -The type of foods we eat carry various vibrations -food is energy put into the body -at least one raw plant-based meal a day can really help cleanse our energy body, physical body and indigestive system 8: consumption -we don’t only consume with food we consume energy through our senses as well: -what we see, hear, conversations we have, news we watch -and everything we smell touch and feel are all things we consume energetically. so choose consciously what you listen to and watch ect 9: connect with nature -Mother earth is a natural source of healing.. when in nature really open up and tune into your senses..what your hearing, smelling, seeing.. when there is deep mindful awareness even staring at a tree or ducks floating by can be very healing cleansing -being in nature helps open up our chakras (Energy centers) especially the areas that may be feeling numb, disconnected,closed up, or blocked 10: smudging sage, polo santo, rosemary, incense 11: high pitch turning forks 12: fire/candles 13: listen to High frequency music 432hz/ 528hz frequencies protecting (shielding) your energy if you’re an empath or someone who is sensitive, it’s important to have a practice of shielding yourself telltale signs: if you’re feeling excessively tired, drained, emotional, or overwhelmed for no valid reason. psychic attack: a psychic attack is when negative energy such as ill wishes, jealousy, or hatred is directed towards you. negativity can also come from within.. our thoughts, emotions, and bad habits can be our worst enemy. 1: stones/crystals: -in our pocket and at home on windowsills, on or above doors, under our beds or pillows crystals and sacred stones can help bring us back to our center.. they’re powerful healing properties can attract positivity, cultivate a higher vibration, and shake off unwanted energy from our aura.. they can balance and protect our sacred energy while strengthening our energetic force field. a few examples: -Black obsidian: forwarding off negativity -selenite: for purifying energy -amethyst: for emotional protection -black tourmaline: for home cleansing and EMF protection -clear quartz for amplifying protection 2: crossing either your legs or your arms these are a few of my favorite techniques and tools I’ve gathered please share some of yours many thanks and blessings 🙏

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Montag, 21. März 2022

305 Team ~ Klarheit


Sonntag, 20. März 2022

C Block ~ The MESSAGE


C Block ~ We Believe



Qwin AGA!N


Okay, um alles etwas zu beschleunigen;  werd ich doch erstmal IFTT benutzen um sachen von youtube automatisch hierher zu bringen.

Hab aber echt keine Lust alle Links irgendwann dann doch nochmal zu ersetzen, da ist der autoposting vorteil direkt dahin.

Werde sehen wen ich fragen muss damit das auch mit Odysee Links geht in naher Zukunft.!n:d

EVERYTHING IS GOOD ~ Raquel Gomez Rey and C Block


werd mal einiges am stück hochladen was sich so angesammelt hat und nie hochgeladen oder gepostet wurde.

meist, weil es das eh schon online gab und ich primär ergänze was nicht da ist.

aber jetzt breche ich mal das protokoll und uppe auch einiges was mir einfach gefällt,

obs das irgendwo gibt oder nicht is mir schnuppe.

Mittwoch, 16. März 2022

LEADERSHIP LAB: The Craft of Writing Effectively


Social Sciences

The Craft of Writing Effectively

if your feeling out of balance perhaps it’s time for tuneup✨🌟✨ by if your feeling out of balance perhaps it’s time for tuneup✨🌟✨

if your feeling out of balance perhaps it’s time for tuneup✨🌟✨
I have bookings available for solos and couples hmu 🤙

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Dienstag, 8. März 2022


we create our reality with our thoughts words and feelings.. our attention and energy are the most valuable things we have at this time.. where your attention goes your energy flows your energy is attached to you and where you place your thoughts you pull yourself to as you go through this amazing time be mindful of where you place your energy via your attention.. there are many things trying to get your attention trying to get you to attach your energy to it.. anything to get you off your higher ascension timeline and down to the lower vibration your energy is your power.. if you send your energy to something, you’re helping to build it good or bad.. feel into things..feel the vibration before you connect to it.. use your heart space to decipher if it’s really of the light or part of the disinformation of the times.. trust your inner guidance your light your guides.. everything you need is inside you not outside of you what is happening in this now moment is truly divinely planned.. you are a fragment of Source having an experience of humanity.. you are here to help the world ascend.. NOW is the time to disconnect from the 3d realm and fully tap into YOU.. all the answers you are looking for are within YOU.. this beat will help you remember YOU are the LIGHT 🔊🌟✨

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Donnerstag, 3. März 2022

Galstarr - Sargnadel (Giftgrünes G) [prod. von Niko740 / ManaGaldr Stamm] Einige der Wenigen

Galstarr - Sargnadel (Giftgrünes G) [prod. von Niko740 / ManaGaldr Stamm]
Die Galstarr EP "Kollektive Herz Einheit" ist überall streambar und steht auch als Download zur Verfügung. Alle Links: ► Unsere Arbeit könnt ihr hier unterstützen: Einige der Wenigen - Verein zur Förderung von Musik und Kultur IBAN AT32 3302 7000 0231 5000 Verwendungszweck "Freiwillige Zuwendung" ► Niko740 @ Instagram: ► ManaGaldr @ Instagram: Mix & Master: Golden Ears Mastering ► Golden Ears @ Instagram: ► Golden Ears @ Facebook: Holzamulett: Laune der Natur ► Laune der Natur @ Instagram: ► Laune der Natur @ Telegram: Video: Bonzai Cowboys & Belinda Kretschmer Kristalle: Belinda Kretschmer ► Belinda @ Instagram: ► Belinda @ Telegram: Lyrix: Wenn es dunkel wird sehen sie das giftgrüne G, die Gedanken kreisen als ob sich Windmühlen drehen. Haut weißer als in Kitzbühel der Schnee, Bemalung dafür schwarz wie die Nacht. Wenn es dunkel wird sehen sie das giftgrüne G, die Gedanken kreisen als ob sich Windmühlen drehen. Haut weißer als in Kitzbühel der Schnee, Bemalung dafür schwarz wie die Nacht. Die Boots geschnürt, die Runen geritzt in den Stab, Falken und Steinadler abgerichtet zur Jagd. Hör ihre Parts, wie sie in ihren Versen reden könnt man mein´n sie ham´ nen Freifahrtschein für Perversitäten. Wir lernten leben mit einflußreichen Köpfen, die verhindern wollen dass wir erfolgreich rhym´ wie wirs möchten. Warum ist das so? Ich glaube ich weiß es, es könnte auch damit zusammenhängen dass die Seelenhülle weiß ist. "Kanakenattitüde, Gel in den Haar´n", nein man, ich rep´ für meine Leute und geb ein Signal - doch jeden, der mit uns für die Freiheit auf der Strasse ist, den nehm´ wir in´n Arm, es geht nicht um Farben. Mich erwählte der Pfad, halbdeutscher Waldläufer und ich verteil die Kristalle wie ein Salzstreuer, ewig am strahlen. Lass nicht den Kopf häng´, Kollektive Herz Einheit verhindert die Herrschaft der Goblins. Wenn es dunkel wird sehen sie das giftgrüne G, die Gedanken kreisen als ob sich Windmühlen drehen. Haut weißer als in Kitzbühel der Schnee, Bemalung dafür schwarz wie die Nacht. Wenn es dunkel wird sehen sie das giftgrüne G, die Gedanken kreisen als ob sich Windmühlen drehen. Haut weißer als in Kitzbühel der Schnee, Bemalung dafür schwarz wie die Nacht. Lass den Song Schleife laufen, Rapper auf den Scheiterhaufen, die zu Spritzen schweigen, man kann sie in der Pfeife rauchen. Streetrapper gelten als so starke Typen, warum sagt dann keiner von ihnen etwas was die Straßen fühlen? Jeder will sein´n Frieden bewahren doch wenn ihr jetzt still bleibt will ich auch dass ihr nie wieder was sagt. Die wichtigen Songs dieser Zeit sind die für unsere Kinder wie die von Lapaz. Real bis ins Grab, ihr habt hier was verpasst, die einzigen Rapper, die interessant sind und die noch relevant sind, stehen mit mir in Kontakt. Yiah, der Geschmack des Sieges wird köstlich sein. Nicht mehr lang, ihre Kartenhäuser brechen urplötzlich ein weil Inspiration, Kraft und Liebe unerschöpflich bleibt geschiet sie im Dienste der Göttlichkeit. Trockne deine Tränen, du trauerst zu früh, erst wenn ich wieder König bin wird der weiße Baum wieder blühen. Wenn es dunkel wird sehen sie das giftgrüne G, ich frage mich wie können wir der Spritze entgehen. Sargnadel, jeder einzelne Stich tut mir weh, aus der Finsternis Licht in das Game. Wenn es dunkel wird sehen sie das giftgrüne G, ich frage mich wie können wir der Spritze entgehen. Sargnadel, jeder einzelne Stich tut mir weh, aus der Finsternis Licht. #galstarr #sargnadel #managaldr #rapbellions #einigederwenigen

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Mittwoch, 2. März 2022

farewell Elliott Johnson by farewell Elliott Johnson

farewell Elliott Johnson
i remember when i first met him at super Dave‘s ramp way back in the day and was amazed at his super smooth and floaty style.. way before burnside either the SEL crew would all take the bus and meet us NWC at Rebel Skates or MLC then we would skate all the way over to southeast or we would all take the bus to southeast and meet at either Terran’s, Rico’s or Myg’s and then skate to northwest everyone back then had a completely original unique super dope style and bag of tricks but Elliot had one of the smoothiest styles of probably anyone I’ve ever known or seen then later on during the birth and golden age of Burnside skating every day with him until our legs cramped and then we would go to Sheridan to get bananas his light in this world was very rare and bright.. his warm charisma smile and positivity could light up any room -I can still hear the sound of his laughter in my soul lost contact with him for a number of years but then over the last couple years been connecting with him more online and was instantly reminded of how contagious his positive vibe is.. and got word that he was clean and sober and doing really well.. I wish I would have physically connected with him in more recent times 😔 this is another reminder for us to really check in on our love ones and take care of ourselves.. life is so fragile and tomorrow is never promised.. every moment of life is precious.. light a candle and count your blessings Elliott Johnson -a true original legendary pillar in Portland skateboarding hall of fame 🕯🏆⭐️🎈❤️‍🔥💫 like most of us today i’ve been meditating and reflecting on the passing of our og brother EJ and wile tuning into his energy, this beat came in.. it feels like he made it with or through me because to me it feels like him.. snagged some old footage from @barnoskates and 411 along with a couple photos and threw together this tribute to celebrate and honor him Elliott Johnson -a true original legendary pillar in Portland skateboarding hall of fame 🕯🏆⭐️🎈❤️‍🔥💫 we love you Elliott 🕯💜🕯 tomorrow is never promised.. check on your loved ones and make sure to let them know how much you appreciate them ⭐️ for everyone who is feeling the hurt of loss, i would like to offer this to you in hopes that it adds ease and comfort.. about 19 years ago i found myself in the ICU dying and coming back over and over for about two weeks.. going out the body through the tunnel into pure love light✨💛✨ there are a couple good documentaries telling the stories of the same thing happening to many people in their own unique experiences of it.. for me i remember going into this field of pure love that was so powerful it would incinerate a physical body I doubt it is possible to really know the full extent of pure divine love on that level here in this limited little incarnation but i’ll just say it was the most beautiful loving unified feeling and reminder of where we all come from.. literally being all of creation at the same time and remembering the veil of amnesia slipped away and slowly countless loved ones (including pets) from countless incarnations surrounded me in the form that i last remembered them.. (even though we have all played so many roles in various names and forms) everything was instant telepathy heart to heart pure knowing communication and in the eye smiles of so many loved ones, i remembered there was no such thing as a death of a soul.. i was then greeted by arch angel Gabriel who with this heart to heart telepathy said these simple words that still resonate throughout all my samskaras and soul’s journey: “LOVE is the ONLY TRUE reality, all else is an illusion” it was the most beautiful reunion celebration and all we could do is laugh in bliss reflecting your own universal love ease and grace back to you ❤️‍🔥

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